Originally Posted by goalie

Logic time:. Remember when we shut everything down to get rid of SARS and MERS????

Oh, wait, we didn't......

First, nobody has ever heard me say that nation wide shutdowns of commerce or worship were desired.

I am on record as stating I would have closed the virus propagation factories that are our public schools for part of ONE semester, Mar, Apr, May of 2020.

Were I King, I would have also closed stadium events through the summer of 2020, but that is it.

Fauci was correct one time: when he told us masks would be of very small benefit in preventing the spread of a virus. The only thing a mask does is contain MOST of an infected person's cough and spittle.

Mask mandates are typical worthless knee jerk reaction when sheeple scream "protect me". Mask mandates make scared sheeple think that "somebody did something".

Much quarantine and isolation was used to stop the spread of MERS and SARS. Fortunately both of those viruses are less contagious than is Covid. Nor was there a huge reservoir of infected individuals allowed to spread the infection around the globe.

The Chinese managed to keep a lid on the Covid until they had spread it from Wuhan to the entire world. Almost as if it were done on purpose.

The mystery remains, why did the Covid not spread across the entirety of China like it did the world? Personally, I find no mystery at all. I think a quarantine of Wuhan was enforced with machine guns. At the time a bit of news leaked out of China supporting such, including the doors of apartment buildings being welded shut.

Hell, I am convinced even the infectious rate of Covid has been grossly exaggerated. We have had 25 to 30 confirmed cases in our workplace of 60. But only one case is even suspected of being transferred in the work place.

Most of the cases were traced to close personal contact (hugging or kissing) of infected individuals.

So, which side of the argument am I on?

Take the vaccine or not. It is your choice.

But do not choose against it based on lies perpetrated by fear mongers, and do not spread those same lies on to other people. At least think about the story and consider if it is even plausible.

I mean, really, do people actually believe that 50% to 60% of current Covid cases are among vaccinated individuals? But they repeat such completely implausible stories here as if they are doing all of us a favor.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.