long story.

I joined the Navy in 1989.

Before that I worked at a Mall. I was 19 (grandfathered into the 18 year old drinking law) I would leave the mall at closing, typically at 2130. Go get a 12 pack Heineken and a bag of ice. I kept a cooler in the truck.
There were about 5 Bars / Clubs I would frequent until around midnight, drinking beers in the truck between stops. And, then pretty much hammered, drive home. some mornings I had to look out the window to see if my truck was in the yard because I had no idea how I got home.

One night during this time, I topped the hill near my house right off the interstate, there was a DUI roadblock, cops lights everywhere. no where to go, maybe 300 yds to the group of Cops. A cop I knew (went to my church) came to the window with a flashlight, shined it in and looked at the cooler between my feet. 4 Heineken bobbing and swimming in a icy pool. He said, Keith, wtf are you doing? I said..."umm nothing".

He said, "go over there and pour those beers out and go home". I did. That is the first, last and only time I ever even came close.

After 28 years 5 months of Navy, I owe that guy.