Originally Posted by Tarbe
This thread could be a sticky!

Bringing it back up to the top.

As one who has nearly completed 64 years on God's Earth, I think there is some really sound advice to be found here.

And some pretty dang funny stuff, too! smile

If you've never seen this thread, I challenge you to read it all the way through.

Thanks Tarbe for bringing this back because I'd never seen it before. It's an interesting thread with a lot of good stuff.

Here's my advise.

NEVER EVER go into business with a liberal. They do not understand capitalism. It simply does not compute in their brain. You'll find yourself in a constant tug of war. Rush Limbaugh used to say that liberals will destroy everything they touch. Man, ain't that the truth.

P.S. - My brother and I bought him out in 2014 and it was the best business decision we ever made.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan