Originally Posted by martinstrummer
Back in my misspent youth, in the late 60's, early 70's, only sailors, truck drivers and bikers were tattooed.
A woman with a tat was real trash and presumed an "easy mark"!
As I began working sone hundreds to thousands of miles away from my hometown. I decided I would get a tattoo on the back of my left shoulder.
Name and hometown.
If something should happen to me, at least they'd know where to start looking.
That was over 50 years ago and I still don't have a tat.

Randy came to work one day, smearing antibiotic cream on his new "artwork". He informed me he designed the nondescript scrolling and it cost him $300.
Later that week, Randy got fired for theft. Seems he walked by and grabbed a can out of the "bent can" dumpster to eat. He was too broke to "buy" dinner.

I'm disrespectful of my body bad enough as it is. I'm gonna have a hard enough time getting by Saint Peter at the Gate! I don't need tats to give him another reason!
Both my kids are covered with them! 😖
Yea, cuz Saint Peter don't like none of them fancy Tatoo's. Fuggin Retard