I would like to echo Kaywoodie’s sentiments. I’ve been hunting those elk critters in Colorado for 16 seasons and WA and MT before that. Time spent with family and friends on the hunt are way more important than antlers. My son prefers to get a cow tag and fill it as soon as possible then hunt deer the rest of the season. I get a bull tag and shoot the first legal one. That tenderloin we cooked last night was mighty fine, but I’ve had plenty of tag soup along the way!

I’ve always found the folks around Craig and Hamilton to be very cordial and helpful, unlike most jackwagons in WA State. The only rude behavior I’ve observed were from out of state hunters. I have also had positive experiences with CPW officers and testing folks at the Craig warehouse.

I do agree that the draw process has its warts. The whole license distribution process is currently under review by the commission and I doubt any changes will be favorable to non-residents.

Life Member NRA, RMEF, American Legion, MAGA. Not necessarily in that order.