Originally Posted by saddlesore
You need to read the bios of all the CPW commissioners on the CPW website. Maybe two of them have anything to do or knowledge of wildlife/hunting.They have been hand picked and appointed by Polis to carry on his agenda. Of course they would not be there if they did not cater to Polis. The acting director, Heather Dugan has no back ground in wildlife, she has always been in the parks division.

I just read several. I see no indication of what you say though many of them wouldn’t be my recommendations. Despite always being in the parks division Heather Dugan has a degree in wildlife biology. That isn’t to say she knows squat about the subject and may very well have been “hand picked” for an agenda but it does show you haven’t exactly done your homework either.

I stand by my thoughts that you’re responding based on preconceived notions. There are a lot of discussions and disagreements that go on behind closed doors that folks like us are not privy to. More higher ups in both state and federal agencies fight for “our” side than meets the eye, in my experience at least.