Originally Posted by saddlesore
Hey WAM. I have been at it for 46 years in Colorado, another 8-10 in NM.This year because of health I won't be doing it. First time close to 50 years I will miss a season. I too, now only shoot cows. I shot my last bull 2018. I have killed enough of those critters, I don't need to kill another, but I do like the meat.

I have three nice bulls mounted here in the house, one a 7x8 , antlers nailed up on the barn with no more room, antlers up in the rafters, and a pile here in the yard.

Most rank and file CPW guys are pretty decent. It's the top level that cater to everything our POS liberal governor wants that chaps my butt..I just wish WCO's would get out of their trucks and into back country where most of the illegal activities happen.
The old school WCO's would ride horseback into the high country to bust sheep and goat poachers. They would go undercover in the taverns at night and listen for poachers bragging about their misdeeds. They would rent aircraft time and fly into road closed areas to photograph camps with vehicles, then ride in on horseback to write them up. They were respectful and gave freely of advice and methods. I think most of those guys retired at about the same time, due to them all being hired at the same time with federal funding back in the early eighties maybe?