One has to tread carefully when discussing Tribal events and politics, there’s the Indian version, and then again there’s the White guy version which may or may not match. Here’s a White guy version.

The gist is by the summer of 1874 the Comanches were in crisis. Those who wanted to try and move to the agency and those who wanted to fight, the latter camp including many young men.

Seeking spiritual mojo the radical camp put on their first-ever sun dance that year. After that opinions were divided where to go next. Quanah wanted to go against the remnants of the hated Tonkawa, he got outvoted.

So they went against the Buffalo Hunters at Adobe Walls and lost maybe 30 guys in that fight. the rest of the Indians, possibly up to hundreds, then fanned out and wreaked havoc elsewhere.

However they felt about each other before Adabe Walls, Quanah and Isa tai did become rival politicians later on the reservation.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744