I meet them every day
Some good just trying to survive and support their family's
Some Bad pieces of crap that I try and get away from as soon as I meet them.
I am not a Native Born Commyfornian but I have lived here longer that I have lived away from here.
I have 1 leg in Arizona and hopefully soon I will make the move 100%

This State gets its hooks into you and it is very hard to get loose from those hooks.

I have a Friend that is pushing his boss to hire me for $75 an hour with 12 hour days free lodging and food subsistence.
The drive would be about 2 hours from my place in Arizona and 5 hour from where I am now.

It does not take much thinking to make that move to go back to being an employee for that kind of money and hours and walk away from being self employed working 1 to 2 days a week for $60 an hour

We will see if it happens.