Originally Posted by T_Inman
Originally Posted by shrapnel
Exactly, then call it vital. That still picture is at 1:24 and there isn’t enough water in a branch to make a vapor cloud like that. That is horn and nothing else, but I did learn that a horn is now vital…

Dude…just stop. This is embarrassing, even for your standards.

Have you ever actually seen an antler that has been rifle shot? It splinters and blows chunks out, not dust sized particles. Nothing like what that video shows.

And the bottom line is who gives a fuqk?

I see a pic of JB with an AWESOME bull that anyone here would give their left nut to put on the ground.

Oh, I know. The yipping pack of schitzu’s just frothing at the mouth to nitpick and to find anything less than perfect, which is typical for a bunch of gaslighting losers that have to criticize to make their pathetic selves feel better.

If anyone is claiming nothing but one-shot kills all of their lives, they’re a lying sack of chit.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.