Another Maseypoo sockpuppet to deny attention too.
" That's it mister, off to ignore you go"

Deleted unread 416 pm,s since 1 Dec from glockdoofusmaseypoo yesterday morning about 515.
Put him on ignore along with several other of his stoopidazz mental health saga sockpuppets.
No more attention for Maseypoo...
To bad
So sad...

Plus Bin ain't making Benjamin's from me engaging this stoopid azzschit anymore.
And Bin DGAF,,,cause the sockpuppets bring in the Benjamin's
Thru controversy....
He will 86 a few here and their for token schit...
Ratio of about 1 86,d to 15 allowed...

Mutha Fuuuuking Pirates got better schit to do than fuuuking up a mentally ill spic incell...

