Several years ago. I was packing out a cow I got at first rifle season in NW CO.. It was the first or second year I hunted alone. Made camp almost two weeks before opening day. Hadn't spoken to anyone in that time. A game Warden stopped to check me, and I was excited, and talked his ear off. He was really nice about it, and humored me, even though he had a lot of work to do.

Fast forward about nine years or so. A man and his wife made camp near mine in September muzzleloader season. Same location. I stopped by to chat. He said he didn't like people running their ATV's up and down that road as it was posted unlawful at the entrance. And he intended to stop and harass anyone doing so. I've never owned an ATV and had switched to that season for better crowd avoidence. I thought privately that his intentions were foolish, but wished him luck.

In an effort to shorten the story. Turns out the first four wheeler he stopped was the Game warden. As it happened the same guy from 9 years before. Well he had his badge hidden, but later came back secretly to watch the guy. Guess he got suspicious about him. When he checked me, I recognized him, and we spoke awhile. When he further questioned me about the man and his wife, I asked about his interest? He said, "they're in trouble." I didn't inquire why because he had a very serious tone that seemed final. Turns out that they had put salt out near a tank. I don't claim to be an elk expert, but I thought the act really stupid.

Point is. I think I understand the gist of this thread. And I don't know why people behave so strangely sometimes. It's a puzzle.