Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by DBT
Don't you guys value freedom? What about freedom of speech? Is that not valued?

Or is 'freedom of speech' only valued when things that are said are deemed acceptable and everyone can nod their heads in unision, peace, brotherhood and harmony?

Don’t you dare talk to us about freedom. The word is meaningless to you and the concept is totally foreign. You cowardly cucks were adamant about vaccination and boosters and you bitches argued AGAINST freedom! You are a total and complete LIAR! You took the government’s bullshit and pushed it on others, you put down anyone that argued against the vaccines…..YOU and the other BITCHES like you were the useful idiots that fostered the paranoia and pushed the bullshit government propaganda.

You lie continuously and you contribute nothing of value here. You intentionally disrupt the religious threads and insult our God but then you cry like a bitch when anyone strikes back.

The fact that you have the audacity, actually probably ignorance of such depth that it appears audacious, to even use the word “Freedom” here. You wouldn’t know what freedom was if it came up and smacked you across the face. You gave up the last vestige or anything that resembles freedom decades ago. While we here in the USA are fighting the leftists that have infiltrated the institutions of our society I can assure you that WE don’t need your input on how to secure freedom.

Sheepdogs don’t ask the sheep for their opinions. The sheep can either follow the sheepdog or they can follow the wolf….it doesn’t matter to the sheepdog.

That's just the kind of diatribe I expect from you, Ace. Not having the ability to argue for your beliefs logically and rationally, you attack the character of your opponents. Utterly predictable.