Originally Posted by Blaine
...LOL!!!!! I shut down engines 17 times, was hit by ligtning twice, had a serious flight control malfunction, just to name a few. Further, I flew big and little military aircraft at low level, at supersonic speeds, upside down, deep into terrain, in formation; performed assault takeoff and landings, performed airdrops, and flew air combat maneuvers...."
I'm very tempted to say "So what?", but I won't because I know how much skill and experience it takes to accomplish and deal with those situations. I won't belittle your experience here. However, If you helped - REALLY helped - anybody other yourself (maybe you're one of those who only cares about his own butt) it was still [b]nothing[/b] compared to what "Sully", Haynes, and so many other commercial, real world pilots have done. I still say your'e jealous that your skill and experience never made it outside the little fishbowl you live in; therefore you raise your "standards for heroism" so ridiculously high so you won't look so puny beside them so you can put yourself on Sully and Haynes' level. Pilots, firefighters, you name it. Your "standards for heroism" will always be high enough so that you don't look so puny beside them.

Originally Posted by Blaine
Maybe it's different in the civilian world...
Of course it is! In case you haven't noticed, that's where the majority of us live. People who live in fishbowls never get noticed for their skill and experience because they never help anybody in the real world. You never do anything heroic/amazing in the real world.

jetjockey, I was composing this as you were posting. (I keep 2 or 3 windows open most of the time.) I don't know what you do for a living, but at least you live in the real world. Maybe you and I just have a difference of opinion. I'm tired of arguing with you about heros and which pilots acted more skillfully. However, I want it understood - I don't feel outmatched. Not in this thread anyway. I'm just tired of arguing with you.

Originally Posted by AJ300MAG
AJ, when somebody horns in on a conversation on the CB radio, or says something off the wall, you know what we say?
Shut up stupid. In one of his posts, Blaine led me to believe he received a medal of honor. I want to know if he actually did. I'm sure he doesn't need you to come to his rescue - his ego's already in the stratosphere.

I'll ask him again: Blaine, did you ever receive a medal of honor?