This is not a knock on either man. Both of them made their living by writing. Controversy sells magazines and pays salaries. Therefore, I take with a grain of salt both their positions on "large versus fast". Ditto on Mr. Weatherby; he was in the business of selling rifles. For me, when I disregard the extreme positions of each I find a better understanding and respect for them all.

One other thing. Most of the controversy of that era can be summed up in one word: bullets. We have much better bullets today and that makes both arguments mostly moot.

With that said, I don't hunt deer with a .243Win or elk with a .270Win. There is a much larger selection of rifles and cartridges today (and money to buy them) that allows me to better match the cartridge to the game. A quick and sure death for the game animal is much more important to me than bragging rights.

