Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Don't forget that a diesel engine requires a hell of a lot more oil than a gasser, has 2 batteries, several filters, and diesel fuel is more expensive than gas. In cold weather they can be a pia, under 20 degrees they recommend that you leave your truck running or keep it parked inside a garage.

I'm not trying to convince you to not buy a diesel, obviously your the one that know's if it's worth it or not. I'm just saying I won't own one because it's not worth it to me. Upkeep is too much plus I don't like having to deal with them in the cold.

Diesel maintenance isn't any worse than with a gas engine. Fuel filters, that's about it. More oil.....can't imagine anyone cheaping out over an extra gallon or so of oil. Under 20* isn't any problem. It gets -20* here now and then but starting isn't a problem. And two batteries..... big deal, I replaced them after the first 6yrs.

Pretty stupid arguing diesel with somebody who doesn't own one but knows all about these things from what his best friend told him. Somebody who says diesel fuel is too expensive yet buys a gas hog that gets 1/2 the mileage with nowhere near the same power. Diesel costs the same or less than regular here.