Originally Posted by HawkI
"In particular, most of their whitetail hunts are recorded close to home, where their land is managed to attract and keep big deer with big racks. All together, about 400 of their 3,000 acres is planted in dozens of food plots. There are feeders, too." http://www.thehawkeye.com/print/Lakosky-033008

"�Bait� means grain, fruit, vegetables, nuts,
hay, salt, mineral blocks, or any other natural food
materials, commercial products containing natural
food materials, or by-products of such materials
transported to or placed in an area for the purpose of
attracting wildlife. Bait does not include food placed
during normal agricultural activities."

Oh, and cutting down corn to hunt over is illegal here, huntsonora. Its kinda like flooding a cornfield for ducks. Again, its not legal here.
If I ever hunt Colorado, I'll try not to shoot my "dream" of two deer on one tag. Hell, I might actually buy a license...I'm sure Colorado residents would appreciate that type of behavior if I bought a few rounds...

Next time you run into your farmer friends, I'd like to know what sugar beets and turnips are bringing at their local cooperative.


Yep, just good honest corn farmers who routinely stumble on an annual bumper crop of bucks. The minerals, corn and management whistle

Funny thing about farmers is that they don't generally like hundreds of deer trampling in the fields, nor do they cut down corn unless the crop is lost or worthless for sileage. They actually try to harvest it. Your farmer friends cut down their corn? Not surprised....does their fish cop know that?

I don't have anything against your friends, other than they are like every other swinging dick (or droopy lips) that move here and make up their own laws or circumvent the regs, get dandy with the fish cop so they can live their "dream".

Anyone living here their entire life following the laws have a tendency to get pissed about this kind of bullschit.