I won't ever advocate for putting women in combat. It does complicate everything but the equal opportunity thing won't go away.

What I'm saying is put the standards back to what they were. I think the mental abuse, physical abuse, and rough treatment is but a taste of what dealing with combat is. Treat EVERY candidate equally. The weak in mind and body will fall out. It works. If the confidence course can't be passed then they won't be able to handle climbing a mud wall either. Should a woman desire combat she would have the opportunity before her as any male would have. If she made it through the training with equal treatment she would be as reliable as any male.

Nobody knows how they'll react to things they've not experienced. Explosions, IED's, shellings, sniper fire, death, blown off limbs, etc. all have an effect.

I'm ok with equal treatment, equal standards for all. I'm not ok with special treatment so they can "pass the course".

There are women that would make it I think. Not many but some.

bea175 - GI Jane! LOL!

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson