Originally Posted by Henry McCann
Originally Posted by JWP58
It worked fine for me. I wouldn't sell something that didn't work.

Quite honestly I am of the opinion that Mr. "Matt_gu3" is stone cold LIAR, and an all around p.o.s. that is pissed he didn't get out of a purchase that he regretted.

[bleep] him, and [bleep] you. And go ahead and keep bumping this thread, it wont change anything.

Again, sounds exactly like a 15 year old that just got caught. Sadly this post portrays JWP58 in exactly the opposite light he hopes for.

No, that's called me being honest. Im not trying to make friends, or sing songs around a campfire. Im calling a spade a spade. The dude is [bleep] liar and knows it. And all you dipshits believe him lol

If it didn't work I'd sure like to know just how the [bleep] I took pictures with.......must've been MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by JWP58; 02/13/14.