UW (Wyoming) wildlife management, got a job turning wrenches. Collage was the biggest waste of 5 years of my life. Other than meeting my wife I gained no knowledge, 0 experience, and wasted several thousand dollars. There were so many guys in my field of study it took two years to get a spot in one class. Then all the cultural, brainwashing BS was almost nauseating, why did I need to learn about African American studies to get a degree in deer accounting? I hope my boys want to have real, usefull jobs, like plumbers or welder, none of this university BS.

Now I keep getting all this crap wanting me to donate to their alumni crap, didn't they steal enough money and give me enough empty promises for one life time?

Rant off, I just really hate higher education.

�The constitution of the United States asserts that all power is inherent in the people, that they may exercise it by themselves, that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed!� � Thomas Jefferson