We have a spike and doe season here and that's when I work on them. I have passed on many big bucks which were not true monsters and could be expected to get older and bigger while spreading their genes. Some I would have taken with a bow and tried to but never got the chance.

I lost the enjoyment in taking a medium sized buck many years ago, first with a gun and then with a bow. I would leave that prize to a youngster or newby who would be thrilled in getting it. To me they loose their luster when their eyes glaze over.

Maybe some day the thrill of outsmarting a really big buck will also pass and in fact I am less industrious in making it happen with each year that passes.

I wouldn't take any does in the late season if I didn't like the venison and that I have a pre-64 Win FWT 243 that is a joy to hunt with and I'm getting older and it deserves more notches.

Last edited by eyeball; 10/26/14.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.