Originally Posted by DancesWithGuns
Then why aren't your knives sharp?

As I suggested previously.....send one in to Buck for a proper sharpening and see how long it STAYS sharp once truly sharpened.

Ok, i'll explain again. I'm sort of old school, and have done things the same for many decades. Instead of starting a hunt with a sharp knife. I just sharpen it when it starts to get a little dull. I've done this since I was a kid, and got used to sharpening my knives in the field. As I mentioned earlier it's a bit of a ritual with me. It's how my dad did it, and I just copied everything he did. As kids will do.
So, I always have a couple of stones with me to touch up an edge. I may have an elk and muley on the knife before I touch it up. Maybe more, maybe less. If I would start off a hunt with a freshly sharpened knife I wouldn't have to sharpen it in the field at all.

Like I said at the start of all this. I like the ritual of sharpening my knives at the kill. Strange for some, but normal for me. It puts a smile on my face, because it always brings back good memories of past hunts. Especially, with my dad who has long passed away.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the outcome of the vote.