Of course this is generating a lot of attention here.

First off, race ain't an issue since everyone involved appears to be Hispanic and this is San Antonio/South Texas anyhow.

All the following IIRC...

Wife who called the Cops holding child, wife bleeding from perp-inflicted scalp wound outdie of home when Deputies arrive.

Reports are that perp had expressed intention to commit "suicide by Cop" immediately prior to LEO arrival.

Perp active and acting erratically when Sheriff Deputies arrive (this was in a new, upscale development outside the city limits) consistent with actions of individual under the influence of substances. This individual can be seen on tape running around on the front lawn and neighbors' driveways. When the deputies arrived he was holding a knife, some reports had it he had a knife when his hands were raised.

Tazers reportedly deployed with no effect, whether due to miss or mental state of perp has not been reported. Reports of a "twenty minute struggle" prior to shooting. Both deputies fired one round.

Perp identified in news along with a mugshot-type photo, may have a prior arrest record.

Many questions yet to be answered, dunno if it was a legitimate use of deadly force or not.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744