Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by jimy


Again when was the last time you faced someone who was angry/mentally unstable, and who was armed with a knife?

I'm married, so its not exactly all that rare of an occurrence. smile

I have dealt with individuals armed with knives enough times to one thing...when confronting them and attempting to put hands on. You're going to get cut. In 15 years I was cut twice

One time cost me a couple hours of surgery and 4 weeks off from work. The second cost me 11 stitches

If he had had a knife in his hands, raised or not and was within 21 feet and not responding cognitively/appropriately to LE commands and was acting aggressively, either physically or verbally then it was was a justifiable use of force

I'm copying your post and measuring my kitchen, I think I'm inside the twenty one foot rule, the little woman better watch her chitt, and make better coffee from here on out!

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