Originally Posted by cumminscowboy
I just want to say how disgusted I am about some of the people around here. I considered most people around here as people who vote the right way and are better than the commie libs like so many out there. When history is written I want it to say how many of you acted

- you chose a man who has never asked god for forgiveness
- you chose a man who glorified and bragged about infidelity
- you chose a man who said his battle with venereal disease was his own Vietnam
- you chose a man that at the same time bragged about infidelity took off an ran with a false story about his opponent having affairs
- you chose a man who bullied and insulted women
- you chose a man who bore false witness about his opponents
- you chose a man who accused Ted cruz's dad of being involved with the JFK assassination
-you chose a man who donated several times to hillary clinton
-you chose a man who gave 25 grand to terry mcauliff to legalize felons to vote
-you chose a man that never speaks of the constitution over one that talks about it in almost every speech
-you chose a man who supports single payer healthcare
-you chose a man who supports planned parenthood
-you chose a man who told the new york times he doesn't mean what he says about controlling immigration
-you chose a man who would not ban partial birth abortion
-I could go on.

-you mocked ted cruz's religion, you mocked his dad and his family. Yes the people on this very board did all this.
-you bought into the mob mentality
-you ignored all evidence to the contrary, you ignored math, video etc. It didn't matter trump really could have shot someone and you would still support him.

I just want those to know that did this here I will not forget who you are, your frankly disgusting and let history so write it.

Your complaints are duly noted. I'm voting for Trump because he enrages and terrifies the swamp-dwelling scum in Washington D.C. I'm going with Trump considering that John McStain and Mitt Romney couldn't beat a pot-smoking, light-in-the-loafers, mystery meat mulatto with no evidence of living any kind of recognizable lifestyle.

I'll repeat myself: it was supposed to be JEB! Bush and Hillary Clinton at this point, just who do you think would have won that scenario come this November??????

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." -- Thomas Jefferson

We are all Rhodesians now.