3/4 of the board knew Cruz didn't have a chance to get elected fairly, and also were offended by his plan to push for a contested convention. It was a horrible plan that showed contempt for the party and for the voters. That would have put another layer of division in an already tumultuous Republican party.

I'm glad Cruz left the way that he did, and did not try to push it to the convention with delegates planning for a 2-3-5th round ballot change. There would have been no way to bring the party together after that.

The Republican party must start working for the American peoples best interest first before it can get back to its conservative roots. When even the conservatives in the party are pushing for open boarders, TPP, NAFTA, and keeping donors closer than voters... there must be a change or the people will never have a fair shake.

That is why so many conservatives went for Trump this round. We've lost faith in the direction of the Republicans, and the Republicans are steering conservatives, instead of the grass roots conservatives steering the Republican party.

Trump will be a force to push the Republican party, and the Federal Gov't in an alternate path, a path that will hopefully keep the representation of the people as a main priority. Because business as usual has been a complete failure for 28 years. It took that long for the electorate to be fully fed up and ready to make a leap toward the unknown...

What is also unknown, is how many of the friendly wagers that have been made over the last few months will be honored, or welched on.