Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by cumminscowboy

again no one responded to the substance of my claims. If you don't think God matters to this country you have thrown off the very founding itself and the source of your rights as founded by the country.

Of course, God matters to this country. But it isn't up to politicians to tell us what we should do about it.

...you know I really don't care what you guys say, I actually accomplished what I wanted, when everything hits the fan I am bringing this thread back as an example that when the republic was at stake you mocked a good and decent man, that being Ted Cruz.

I know you're not speaking to me, because I never mocked him. Neither did I mock Trump. The republic being at stake though is exactly the point. Putting the best Christian you can find in office is not the answer. The answer lies much closer to home - but so many Christians just don't want to face that.

...you chose a godless man over a god fearing man, thats ok choices have consequences.

What you don't seem to understand is that the Christian community can't even agree on dogma within our own congregations - so why should we (again, using our heads rather than simply following the more strident of our group) throw all-in to some politician who claims Christianity, when the likelihood is that he will embarrass us in the end - or worse.

...BTW I also came back to something else, several of you took the time to personally message me and tell me thank you for standing up to this BS, They also agreed how nasty its gotten here. There are still people out there that hope like hell the lord still blesses this country I take heart in knowing that. go ahead and be anti religion and try to claim I think I am better than anyone else. I try to live my life as a person of character and virtue. I try to teach my family the same these things are important to me.

Look its ok if you like trump the problem for me is when confronted with evidence you attack the messenger.

When it comes to politics, I will allow you to label me thus. The problem with being "pro-religion" is that religion is many things to many people - much of it, pure hogwash. And I say that as a Brother in Christ.

I think the time is now for letting differences drop and stopping the Hillary train.

hey at least a guy willing to debate the substance, thanks