Glad it's working out. I had a run in with a pit bull once.

My neighbors had someone staying with them who was a vet assistant and he brought home a stray pit. That dog snapped one day when she got loose and came over to our place. She throat latched onto my 12YO yellow lab and my 10YO daughter was standing in the middle trying to break them up. When I saw this, I ran and grabbed my daughter, pitching her 10 feet away from the dogs. I then proceeded to punt the pit like a football. She'd let go and then immediately throat latch back on. This repeated itself three times before the pit finally ran off. They ended up putting the pit down.

It was some scary [bleep]. If that dog had turned on me or my daughter, it would have been a bad scene, because that dog was out of it's mind acting like a possessed demon.

I won't pass judgement on all pitbulls, but I would watch for any signs that might indicate trouble ahead.