Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by ShadeTree

Well I never heard of it, so I just googled it and about all I can find on it is it's an old wives tale, including from Snopes.

...I quit after scrolling through 10 solid pages of results.

My google search brought this one up straight away, it was 2nd on the page...lol..


Wow you found 1 on the second page of the WORLD WIDE WEB. I didn't bother going that far. Did you read through the articles on the first page?

You could google just about anything related to childrens deaths...TV's, you name it and will find articles beginning at the first result on the first page. In case you didn't realize, that's what google does, it brings up results and news related to the search in order of relevance. In other words as I suspected a cat smothering a child would be considered a freak accident.

One is alone in a land so vast, there is only the mountains, the wind, and the eyes of God.