Originally Posted by stxhunter
Originally Posted by lantx005
We adopted a rescue pit about 4 years ago that looked very similar to yours. I was skeptical at first but he has been a great dog. He is actually one of the least aggressive dogs I have been around. Without a doubt, there are issues with some of them but most are good, trustworthy dogs.
mine was the same, till he wasn't.

Ours is a male, is cut, and might be a mix. We got him from a family with kids, other dogs, and a cat. He is well socialized, has never shown any aggression to animals/people, and is a happy go lucky part of the family. He will back down from little yapper dogs and is really gentle with children. Our vet has even remarked how mild mannered he is. However, he is a stocky 70lbs and I know full well what he could be physically capable of. I always watch him around new people, new situations, kids, and he does not run loose. Any incident would not be taken lightly. I would not ignore a sign that his wires might be crossed. It's not worth the risk. Overall, he is a really good dog but I would be really skeptical of getting one that I had no background info on.