Originally Posted by antlers
If there was any credence to your position, you shouldn’t have to intentionally misrepresent the truth like you do to state your case. The only Christians who opposed Paul were the Judaizers who demanded Torah observance for all members of Jesus’ new movement (including Gentile followers of Jesus).
And that was all the Jews of "Palestine" Israel and Paul himself in a written letter to Timothy said that ALL in Asia Minor had turned against him. At that time that would have been every Christian church except in Rome and of those we don't know where they stood.

Paul was not accepted by the early Christians. They were getting ready to take stern measures against him. His sponsors, the collaborationist Jewish hierarchy and the Roman Army got the hell out of Dodge with Paul and put him on a ship. There is not a word from Paul' protectors or his Christian detractors that indicates Paul had any support from one person in the early Christian churches.

That ambiguous sentence in 2nd Peter was certainly a forgery as was the whole of 2nd Peter.

Antlers: if it makes any difference to you, you can quit answering. Anything I say on the subject is not directed to you and I have no expectation of reaching you.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Hebrew Roots Judaizer