Originally Posted by KFWA
Originally Posted by 260Remguy
From my perspective, the 10/07/23 attack on Israel is analogous to the 12/07/41 Japanese attack on us.

Israel was attacked, we were attacked.

Israel is bombing cities in a war that they didn't start and enemy civilian are dying. We bombed Japanese cities and killed enemy civilians right up until the Japanese surrendered unconditionally in a war that we didn't start.

The Palestinians are reaping what they've sown just like the Japanese did.

The Egyptians could allow Gazan civilians to cross into the Sinai to keep them safe from Israeli bombs and artillery, but they have chosen not to.

interesting analogy but ironically, Israel's creation due to WWII.

Imagine Japan's resolution had we pushed them into a corner of their nation and limited their access to Tokyo, and everyone just says they start everything

The British promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine via the Balfour Declaration of 11/02/1917.

The British promised the Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire the right of self-determination if they would rise up and help the British fight the Ottomans in the Middle East during WW1, but they were vague promises that gave the British a great deal of flexibility in how they chose to interpret those promises. The correspondence between British LTC Sir Henry McMahon and Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, gave vague promises to the Arabs that where in direct conflict to the Sykes-Picot Agreement between British and France on 01/03/1916 which outlined how they would divide the Ottoman Empire once it was defeated.

When the League of Nations gave the British mandate authority, that gave them the authority to divide Palestine into two independent states, one Arab and one Jewish. How they chose to do so, or not do so, led to the on-going conflict. They had Solomon like power to divide Palestine, but not Solomon like wisdom to just do it and get it over with.

When the Allies defeated Japan in 1945 the Supreme Commander, General of the Army Douglas McArthur, had Solomon like power to force dramatic changes into Japanese society, but that is, at least from my POV, very significantly different from the conflicting promises that the British made to the Arabs and the Jews to get their support during WW1.

The Israelis accepted the partition of Palestine that was outlined via UN Resolution 181 in 1947, but the Arabs rejected it. The Arabs are still rejecting Israel and probably will forever. Maybe the British should have given the Jews one of their African colonies, maybe Kenya or Uganda.

The Gazans can have a cease fire just as soon as they release the Israeli hostages. They are lucky that the Israelis aren't willing to write off the hostages and just bomb Gaza flat. Israel has thermobaric bombs that could destroy everything that Hamas has in Gaza. No matter how bad things are for the Gazans today, the employment of thermobaric bombs would make things much worse, much more death and much more destruction.