Originally Posted by Crash_Pad
You're so ignorant on every topic you try to use to excuse barbaric behavior, out of all proportion to Oct.7. The wanton slaughter of unarmed civilians in continuous, indiscriminate bombing and shelling is genocide, not war. The ICJ confirmed it and demanded Israel stop. What is particularly disgusting in attitudes you espouse isn't the gross ignorance itself. It is the blood lust, the joyful glee you cold hearted bastards celebrate when 37,000 innocent and helpless human beings are savagely murdered - with US weapons, money and political cover. It is a heinous crime and you are a vile idiot for cheering it on.
Has the ICJ made any demands on the Gazans? Maybe turn over the attackers or kill them? Maybe give up those hostages? Maybe turn over anyone who has mistreated the hostages they brutally kidnapped?

I haven't heard anything about it if they have, but I don't keep up with that feckless organization.

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