Originally Posted by Al_Nyhus
One thing that gets lost in these discussions is the size of the target. For example, in PRS the target sizes are from 1-3 MOA. Just because you can adjust the w/e and hit the target, that isn't proof of perfect tracking. It's proof of adequate tracking for the game being played.

Wrong again

It’s illustrative of perfect click values, tracking and zero retention

In the Precision Rifle Series, NRL and Practial Rifle Matches, the competitor is allowed one shot at each target.

The scope must function perfectly

This is opposed to some other disciplines. F-Class sometimes has unlimited sighters. You can shoot at the target as many times as you want until you adjust your drop and windage to your liking, THEN decide to shoot for score.

Your scope’s function can be mediocre

Originally Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.