Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Actually that’s not the point

The point is japlver’s question is stupid
if you want to word it that way. his question is actually not stupid. bench rest wise you're in search of an absolute perfect scope firearm load bullet combination..
which in a real world is not going to happen and there is definitely some human skill involved in Reading conditions and making absolutely one hole. the closest person to that perfection wins the match.. PRS or F class or pick your other discipline or shooting at certain size targets and all you have to do is hit them it doesn't matter how perfect you're exact groups are. so long as you hit them.

so yeah in bench rest really takes a more accurate setup in the others. not taking away from other disciplines of ability to read conditions or get as accurate a gun as you can.

all disciplines the perfect gun scope load combination would be awesome and leave it only to human error but in reality that's never going to happen.