I have learned the hard way that a couple of high misses, and one lucky spine shot, show that the 3 inch high school doesnt work for me. I just can't remember to aim low at the closer shots. On the other hand, since rangefinders came out, you can take your time and calculate whatever drop you need if you're out past 300 yards. So, to sum up, carry your gun with the scope set at 2 1/2 or 3 power, and zeroed either at 200 or about 1 to 1 1/2 inches high at 100, and aim dead on. If the shot is past 300, take a deep breath, roll your scope up to 8 or 9 power, hit the rangefinder to confirm distance, calculate the drop based on your cartridge, and lie down or hold against a tree. If you don't have time to do all that, don't take the shot.