I wish to clarify my last post. Democratic politicians from all parties tend to have no values of any kind other than feathering their own beds. They are not as a rule great people. The longer they are in office the more opportunties they have to rob the cookie jar which is why in the US the presidncy is limited to two terms.

In Canada all parties have and will contionue to produce alot of crooks. My impression of the Tories is they get involved in bribes and corruption just as much as anyone but on the whole they are just greedy like Brian Mulroney and loot the till when they can.

My problem with the Liberals is the yk�hook up with te most laothesome people on palet eart, people who not only rob the cookies jar but also sell drugs (which is knowingly killing children) and who even hook up with people who murder.

For example Liberal PM Paul Martin and Liberal insider Maurice Strong put together a company called I think Cordex which allegedly accepted bribes from Saddam Husein in the Un Oil for Food scandal. Martin and Strong know what kind of a man Saddam was and yet they ignored the fact that Hussein gassed 5,000 Kurdish villagers to death in order to make a buck.

I will look up the references to this and post them when I have times.

I Guess the difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals in Canada is the difference between a thief and a murderer.

They Tories may be corrupt but so far they haven't been caught. That being the case I'd like to see them get a majority and then give them the chance to go through the whole civil service and upper echelons of the RCMP and clean house.

They might put things on the right track. But I am absolutely certain that if we put men in power like Paul Martin who we know are willing to look the other way when dealing with men like Saddam Hussein that we are certainly doomed.

Stay tuned.