I was so mad last weekend I could have spit nails - I will leave the name of the ranch unnamed - but this was the conversation:
"I got rid of all my cows - I'm going into the hunting bizness".I'm going to cater to the non-resident hunter- "really" said the man at the other table (small hill country cafe) I just had my nieghbor throw up part of his Zoo fence and now the north end of my property has a High Fence - Deer use to come across that north creek of mine - now they have been diverted by your High Fence--it got so quite in there you could hear a cricket fart -

Small cafe owner removed Mr.High Society horn hunter and told him not to come back...needless to say - he got the hell out of there when he realized there were more " hunters " in the cafe than he figured.
He was asked by one of the locals what did he do to get all the deer and game out of the 1200 acres before he threw his fence up - Mr.High Society replied..I pay taxes - they belong to me now...