
if you grew up west of flag, then that indicates williams, ashfork, seligman, or kingman.
telling my future son in law saturday while leaving williams i had been going up there since the 50's with my father.
love that little town.

Grew up in Parks, about half way between Flag and Williams. Wore off many miles off boot leather and tire rubber exploring that area. Great place to grow up in the 70's and 80's. In fact I am heading back out there Friday night for 10 days with my son to do some shooting, camping, calling and scouting about 15 miles North of Williams. Drew a rifle bull tag in my home unit of 7W this year, and am really looking forward to another elk hunt back home. With any luck, I will be hanging a nice bull out of the same tree my son hung his first elk out of a few years ago, that being the same tree I hung my first elk out of 30 years ago as well. Some great elk camps out of that camp!

Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT.