Originally Posted by JohnMoses
If someone posts something controversial on here you are going to get a myriad of responses.

Don't offer up, "I kill 30+ deer every year" and claim you are a "Great Killer", then act dumbfounded when someone disagrees with the practice.

Holy schit...


I went back and re read the entire post again...I didn't see where the man was "dumbfounded" about any of the responces to his post..some folks did want why he didn't smile anymore than he did...A few others did slight and try to belittle the guy because of thier own personal issue but I never did see where he addressed those in any kind of a defencive manner that I could see. 30 deer a year may not be a great killer in some folks book, but in my book I think its a pretty good start if killin is your goal! wink grin

Personally, I started to say that if I couldn't grow a beard any better than that I wouldn't be smiling either, or putting my mug in any of my pictures...But then that would just running my mouth off about my own position and giving a reflection of the duece bag that it would surely make me appear to be... smile

One more thing...just what is holy schit... confused
You know, I have heard that forever it seems like...Is there really such a thing as holy schit?...And how do you recognise it when you see it?. I reckon I have seen and can identify nearly every knid of schit in the woods where I hunt at but I just don't know that I would ever be able to identife holy schit if i ever came across it...Do have any pics of it?....