Just caught this so I'll chime in now..First off I know an excellent breeder in michigan...indeed I'm getting my next dog from them. That being said...not meaning to pop the OP's bubble...but an excellent breeder won't let you show up and pick out your own puppy...they select and place dogs according to temperament, personality of the dog plus the experience and skill level of the prospective owner..
That also being said these are working dogs...and while they make wonderful companions/pets...they also must have a "job"...or they will make you crazy....
I would be inclined to reccomend to the OP to find a breeder who specializes more in companion animals/pets in the GSD arena. It would make a better fit for his situation, and regrettably, I don't know the name of a breeder I could reccomend for that type of dog...
The other caveat I would mention about GSDs...but the OP might have this covered by saying his daughter is a "dog" person...GSDs are dogs for dog people....even the 'pet' variety are a whole 'nuther level of dog from the average breed. You need to "understand" them, make sure your body language and other communicative skills are in place, and be prepared for them to test you every step of the way...they like well defined boundaries but they like to probe those boundaries themselves wink

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe