I think the shepherd dogs are great. I have had the Belgians in the Tervuren and Sheepdog varieties. I have had three so far, two Sheepdogs and one Tervuren. I go for the long coats due to the harsh winters up high in the Colorado Rockies. One of my old Belgian Sheepdogs was at home and having my neighbor feed him when I was on business travel. I got home to find that a window was totally pushed in frame and all. It was found by my neighbor the next day. A bear had tried to claw open the window (claw marks in the wood) then bashed the window in. My Belgian sheep dog certainly kept the bear out since it never got inside. Shadow is gone now, but I have a female Sheepdog and a male Tervuren. Here is the male, Larsen. He is very suspicious of strangers, but I can command him to sit if needed.

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Osama and Obama both have friends who bombed the Pentagon.