Back to the OP. While I am "obviously" not an expert. I do know what I have dealt with in the 6 GSD's I have had. As Ingwe put it, I know of no breeder that will allow you to socialize with their pups. A Backyard Breeder of course will, but it is a crap shoot there as to what you will get. I learned the hard way on that one.

I am a firm believer in these dogs being socialized constantly. Expose them to small children, teenagers, black and white people. They are large dogs, and you do not want them to be unpredictable in any situation. Confidence is KEY in this breed.

"If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go wherever they went." -Will Rogers

"If you have a lot of self control you don't need a lot of government control" - Thomas Sowell