Originally Posted by SLM
Biscuit, the goofy ass cartoons aren't working.

sure it is... or you Bozos wouldn't have commented on it, as it wouldn't have got your attention...

hope you guys are welcoming SawSchmuck to the Manharem...
seems like you YoYos finally attracted someone with some intelligence.. delusional just like the rest of ya... but at least he is aware of the mental condition you guys and he are afflicted with.....

and even is trying to use that old tactic of accusing some one else of it, so hopefully no one will notice that it applies to him and his fe3llow ManHarem members... pretty crafty.. didn't work, but as long as you guys thought it did, that's what counts... ain't it? whistle

( Slavely outta be up about 5 AM to continue your guys assault on Schmuck's Critics... and it will be a new day in less than an hour, so Schmuck will have another chance at his wonderful one post a day quota... I am sure he is prepping it right now with pictures to show how AWESUM he thinks he is..)

Last edited by Seafire; 05/06/13. Reason: you figure it out...