Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by Seafire
Good morning Schmuck.....see ya didn't post much this morning... lose power to your laptop while sitting in the outhouse this morning? the joys of living in the wild and woolies of Nowhere AK....

ya use to be entertaining, but of late, it is just the same old cut and paste BS... I mean for example.. everyone that rattles your cage, you call them the Biggest Whining Do Nothing BlahBlahBlah.. etc..etc...etc.. no more originality?

one would think the Queen of the "Crybabies Piss and Moan Club" would be able to create more than the same old BS day after day... the Groupies in your manHarem have to be getting tired of it all also... they want fresh insults and material... not the same old.. wish you could have done, and stuff you almost had.. and waaah waaah waaah...

but one thing is certain... all any one of us, who think you are a short moronic dipschitt, can put one post on here, telling you what an idiot you are ( which is true by the way), and with your one post a day quota.. we can tie you up on this one thread for the rest of your pathetic existence....

because you can't leave it alone...

so one of posts ONE THING and you and EACH of your Groupies in YOUR manHarem, feel the need to post something against it..

so one post can tie up half a dozen of your GFs, and you... and you preach we are the ones that are the fish on the line...

something to think about while you wipe your asss in the Schitthaus this afternoon.. if ya got enough brain cells left in which to think with...

your turn Yoda...

The very definition of albatross........

Wrong there Smokey...

this is an Albatross ( D VII):

[Linked Image]