Three devout Nuns are in a bus that accidentally goes off the road and over a cliff. When they come to, they are in front of St Peter and the Pearly Gates.

They are greeted by St Peter "welcome Sisters".
" However I am sorry to inform you that there is a new policy... before you are allowed into heaven, you have to answer the special question that God has selected for you"

The first Nun steps up and gives her name. ST Peter opens up his big book and finds her name... "Sister, God's special question for you is 'Who were the first two humans that God made in his image?'....."

The first Nun immediately perked up...." why that would be Adam and Eve!!!"

And then the Trumpets Sounded, the angels sang and the Pearly Gates Opened.

The Second Nun stepped up and St Peter read her special question from God listed in St Peter's "Big Book"... Sister, God's special question for you, is 'what was the name of the garden that God made for the first two humans made in his image?'....."

The Nun smiled and quickly answered, "why that would be the Garden of Eden!" and once again, the Trumpets sounded, the angel's sang and the Pearly Gates Opened.

The third Nun had been apprehensive at first, but now after seeing how easy the questions were for her two fellow Sisters, she approached St Peter with Confidence.

She gave her name and St Peter looked up her special question from God written in St Peter's Big Book.

" And God's special question for you Sister is " what was the first question Even said to Adam, when they met for the first time in the Garden of Eden?"

The Third Nun was shocked!.. the two other Nuns got easy questions, and I get this one! The poor Nun stood there and thought and thought. She stood for over an hour, thinking and thinking, all the while St Peter stood over his podium and his open book and just patiently smiled....

after an Hour, the Third Nun had finally given up.. she looked up at St Peter, and said " Oh My God, that is a really really hard one!!"

and with that, the Trumpets sounded, the angels sang and the Pearly Gates Opened.... cool