where ya' been. I thought maybe a Polar Bear got your tongue.

I was making some vegetable soup and getting ready to grill some shrimp��..

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While I was chillin�. I also happened to be reading the "The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill, by R.W. Service.

Couldn�t help but think about ya�


Hadn�t checked in lately, and to my surprise, lo and behold, look who pops up.

And with a new shootin� iron.

Like Bill, I thought this thread had died and been put out of its misery days ago.

Oh well,
Guess what,
I was out toolin� around the other day, ya know, pettin� the critters at the �Zoo�, when I went to the far reaches��..
Good thing I looked behind that last gate and had my "lucky" PTRG's on (pointy-toe-roach-gitters). Otherwise I might have overlooked a nifty little find..........

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Too bad, no WAM�s, just Talleys'. Oh well, ya� can�t have everything.



A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.