Sreekers from what I have spoken to him seems like a more than stand up guy. I'm sure he will give a review to the best of his ability. We all have biases that is a fact, being 100% objective is darn near impossible but I have no doubt that he will do his best to get as close to that as possible.

Another thing to remember about any pack or review your read about anything, just cause it works great for one person doesn't mean it works great for you.

Kutenay who has been backpacking more than twice as long as I have been alive is a heck of a resource for anything backpacking and he likes Mystery Ranch packs. I on the other hand found I prefer Kifaru after using and hauling out animals both packs for a couple years does that make either of us wrong?

If Sreekers review ends up totally jaded I think it will be glaring obvious but I believe the will find perks and faults with each and every pack. I firmly believe there is no perfect pack that works for everyone.

If he can't find one single thing wrong with the Paradox I might be a bit skeptical as hitting a home run on a first run of a pack is dang near impossible as it is. There is always room for improvements as evidence in this thread alone with folks offering suggestions for pockets or PALs webbing while the designer, Rockchucker, isn't as interested on doing so as I imagine he designed it more for what his needs are, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Having written a couple reviews in the past I know its hard to remain 100% objective I believe it will be an informative read all the way around and I for one look forward to reading and seeing what Sreekers thoughts are on how these packs stack up to each other!!!