Originally Posted by eh76

Nope...you need to see a doc and get that bug removed..it is twisting your logic. Seems the blame for that falls with the schools and the parents for sending them when they knew the weather was going to be too much for them to handle. It is called accepting responsibility for your own actions.

Always pisses me off when the "authorities" blame a storm for people dying...the storm is a factor but peoples choices and actions are the reason they die in a storm.

When people left in the morning it was sunny and cool but nothing out of the ordinary. As JMR40 said, they've called for snow 4-5 times this winter and we've not had a single snowflake. The prediction was for at worst a light dusting with a 30% chance of snow showers after 4 pm. The point the national media likes to ignore is that "forecast" for significant weather was changed after people were already at work and school merely expecting a dusting, and even then the models and various weather reporting systems / channels did not agree.

So once again - expectations = "dusting" reality - more than 3" in many areas that turned promptly to ice.

Contrary to what some of you want to believe there was no forecast of an imminent significant weather event to occur during business / school hours until well after it was too late. I'm not blaming anyone in this case, but the weather forecast missed the boat badly and traffic cluster the worst I've ever seen was the result.