HAJ, I like you, but I think we're not seeing eye to eye.
now as you said and a few others previously, you had warnings but ignored them. granted you had your reasons, but this talk of "we never saw it coming" I don't buy it. I saw the weather reports here in south dakota, they told the south and east to brace yourselves for snow and cold headed your way. I get a strong impression from the news and on here that lots of people underestimated the storm from the average joe all the way to the governors. THATS what we're talking about. ma nature will rear her ugly head from time to time. we get storms like ya'll had often enough, hell we got 3" the other day and no one I talked to even mentioned the fact in passing. when you hear "bad weather is headed your way, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the sky and have a plan. that goes for tropical storms or blizzards.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.